

EdHu2050 is a global movement that proposes a new education paradigm, through unprecedented academic learning programs that help human beings to cope with the worldwide transitions and to create a meaningful future for all, for them, and for the world.

The OECD, the United Nations (UNESCO), and the World Economic Forum have launched initiatives that will help to cope with the urgent needs for the development of new human skills, especially in the emerging technology fields. This phenomenon will require one billion human beings, representing one third of the global workforce, that will need to be retrained and reskilled by 2030.

To achieve our mission, we focus on three key milestones:

Raise awareness across various communities on the critical impact the three major transitions have on human beings and the urgent need to act to address these together.
The goal is to elevate the debate to various decision makers in education, business, politics and many more. Stakeholders will have opportunities to participate in roundtables, conferences, webinars with experts in the United States, Canada and France. We are committed to expanding our footprint to anywhere in the world that requires urgent action to address the three transitions and evolve the paradigm on modern education.

Create a new pedagogical methodology based on scientific data, international research, intellectuals from all fields aggregated across different disciplines over the last 20 years. The combination of our new approach with the curricula currently in place within schools will support human beings in addressing this transition period in a scalable and sustainable manner.

Make this new pedagogical approach available to the maximum number of individuals on earth for professional and personal use: evangelists and decision makers in politics, teachers, lecturers, academic directors of public and private schools, university presidents, business leaders, parents, students and many more.