THE 3 transitions
Humanity is facing 3 main challenges: an ecological transition, a digital transition and a geo-cultural transition.These global phenomena are all the more complex that they are interrelated, disruptive, prompt and they cannot be compared with any other transitions the Humanity has lived before. These unprecedented transitions echo the environmental, economical and societal ecosystems whose stability is a necessary condition to maintain a sustainable development on Earth.
These are the reasons why the nature of the skills that Human Beings should develop and (re)acquire has to be urgently reconsidered in order to prepare the new generations and to up-skill the current generations, to help them conduct those mutations instead of undergoing their consequences.
It refers to the necessary evolution in the ways Human Beings produce, consume, work and live together. The purpose of this transition is to create a new socio-economic model that will provide a global and sustainable solution, which will cope with the biggest environmental threats : the climate change, the degradation and the disappearance of natural resources, and the biodiversity lost.
It raises the global issue of the future of Humanity on Earth. And it highlights the somehow forgotten natural origins of Human Beings. As Living Beings, Human Beings are part of Nature.
As Academics, Professors, Engineer in Advanced Technologies and Researcher in Sustainable Economy, we think the time has come to use our most advanced academic, scientific and technical knowledge to build a sustainable world, based on respect and gratitude for every living elements on Earth, even those who do not have a Human shape.
It refers to the rapid emergence and penetration of the AI, the Cloud, the Blockchain and the IoT-BigData in every sectors and within all economies around the world. Also called the 4rth Industrial Revolution, this transition has already transformed and will continue to transform radically the nature and the number of the Human jobs.
It raises the global issue of the future roles of Human Beings in economies. Interestingly, it raises the issue of what it means to be Human, in comparison to a Machine.
As Engineer in Nanotechnologies and Researchers in Human Sciences, we think the time has come to have a new interest to our original Human skills (Intuition, Emotions, Empathy, Sensory Perception…) which have been mostly neglected for years. Combined with Complex Reasoning and coding basics, they could open new perspective to Human Beings and create new economies.
It refers to the emergence in Western cultures, of the questionings related to the Meaning of Life, and the quest for Happiness. In societies where the financial individual success has been erected as the major purpose in Life and somehow a Model for a Happy life, research has shown that this is not the case. Besides, recent indicators reveal that more and more Western Human Beings do not adhere to this Western values system anymore, and are looking for answers from other cultures.
This transition has also been accelerated by the COVID19 pandemic, as if the lock-down has been an opportunity for several people to
introspect and to discover their true Self-fulfillment needs. From Paris to New York, we see more and more Human Beings looking for answers from other cultures, and trying to build a new set of knowledge and to develop new Human Skills mostly by themselves.
We think the time has come to have the necessary open-mindedness, and somehow the courage, to try, as Academics, to accompany Human Beings in this fundamental Human issue of a Meaning-full life for them, and for the world.